Saturday, January 31, 2009


Nothing frustrates me more than WASTING MY TIME.  There are only 24 hours in the day and I try to make the most of them. So when a client comes to me requesting my services, only to back out at the last minute, I find that not only frustrating but extremely disrespectful. As a business owner, I know you can relate to this.  
I had a conversation with a mentor and fellow business owner about this the other day.  She is a dynamic wedding and event she knows the importance of making the most of her time.  Vicky Johnson, owner of Holy Matrimony (, says she makes it very clear to her clients UPFRONT that she needs their commitment before moving forward with her consultation.  Because at the end of the day, people WILL waste your time, money and resources...if you let them.  So, it's ultimately up to me (and you) to make sure that doesn't happen.  
I came up with three conclusions following our conversation .  I'd like to share these points with you.

1.  You must be extremely protective of your time.  As I mentioned before, no one else has your best interests at heart.  It's your business, your time, and ultimately your money.  Don't let anyone else call the shots.
2.  Never let your clients ruin your representation and credibility with your vendors.  Although you should always practice the highest level of professionalism, your relationship with your vendors and other business partners will last long after your client is gone.  Don't sacrifice that relationship for a single client who may not be worth it.
3.  Gain commitment from your clients before you move forward with contracts, consultations, etc.  What's the use of spending the time and energy if your clients aren't 100'% sure they need or want your services?

I hope you'll find this information helpful.  It certainly was for me.  Thanks, Vicky

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Social Networking

Ok, I admit it.  I am new to the whole social networking thing.  But it seems that every day, I am hearing more and more about how it is absolutely essential if you have an online business, website or blog.  

So what exactly is Social Networking?   Social networking is a group of individuals with a specific interest coming together in an online format or community.  You are already aware of a couple of popular social networking sites: MySpace, Facebook and YouTube.  If your business is centered around a specific niche or special interest, you should explore social networking, if you haven't already.  

For The Queen's Diaries, I created a Ning Account.  Ning is another social networking site that is really gaining in popularity.  The address is:   The process was really simple. It only took me a couple of minutes to set up my site and it was really painless.    

It's too soon to tell what kind of impact Ning will have on the QD.  But, I will keep you posted.

Monday, January 26, 2009

New Year, New Ideas

One of the many challenges I am facing right now is coming up with fresh, new ideas on how to grow my business. I want to attract new clients and increase my reach and frequency in my target markets.  But coming up with new and innovative ways to do this has proven to be quite difficult.
A New Year means a new beginning, a great way to start the year off on a good note.  I want 2009 to be different than 2008...which means I have to stretch outside of my comfort zone.  I network with others, read blogs, magazines and just about anything that will get my creative juices flowing.  Still, I have run into a brick wall. 
I know one quality that successful business owners have in common is that they are proactive thinkers, they are always looking for ways to 'think outside of the box'.  There are some people who are blessed with this wonderful gift.  They are creative geniuses with a natural ability to be original and unique.   So, if I have just described you, see if you can answer this question for me:  How do you stay fresh and new the marketplace?  What/Who is the catalyst for your new ideas?